Thursday, September 16, 2010

yummy fudge

I have always wanted to make microwave fudge before and i found this recipe on one of my favorite blogs
Im gonna go buy some condense milk now then make this delishness and post photos later - yay :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Food for thought :)

‎'Terrified of being defined by a stereotype, we created another one.'


Summmer, oh how i need you

I physically CAN NOT wait for summer. Endless days at the beach, Sunkissed bodies, beach hair and summery nights. Summer please hurry along...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Oh KTV Market Day how i love you

So on Saturday it was KTV Market Day in PE, and my mom asked me to go with her cause her friends child was in the talent show or something, so I went with expecting to come home with a boot load of fudge and nothing else. But woweee was i impressed and delighted and just so happy with what I found.

These lil guys are eventually gonna have grass hair. HOW COOL! Then i get to give them hairstyle and cut there grass. My one is the old man, I think he is gonna get himself a mohawk!

Then I got this pretty shell mobile, I know I could have made it myself, but I was just so happy that these kids made something so pretty!

This was my favorite buy, I call them my fake shoes. they give u the illusion that u wearing shoes! How amazinggggg. :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Surfing USA

haha ok not quite but surfing pipe or good ol Mc Arthurs is what is up in my life at the moment.
On Saturday Taz and I went to buy him a board from Surf Centre, so since then its basically been all he has been thinking about.
Haha look how proud he is. i decided to do the whole posing thing with it too, even though it isnt mine. haha. but i do have one, she pretty and pink. i shall take a photo with her later.
Look it even has a pretty lil sock to keep it nice and warm at night. I think its just delight.

We then went for a surf, but cos i only have an Uno and no roof racks, it proved 2 be quite difficult to fit two mini mals and 2 people in. But cos we are basically super heros we did the impossible with absolute ease.

Haha theres lil me. I had 2 sit in the boot and basically get knocked out by the boards everytime we took a corner. But it was funnnnn :)