Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sunday Bliss

So it isnt it enough for me to just be blessed with a flippin fantastic boyfriend, i get to have a flippin fantastic boyfriend who lives in a beautiful place.

So on Sunday afternoon we were taking a leasurily drive to his house, and we came across the most magnificent field of yellow. it was the yellowist field i have ever seen.

Whenever i see something beautiful, I say "Dont you want to just run through it its so beautiful" so naturally I said that, and almost instantly, Taz (thats my boyfriend)  halted the car and said okay lets do it then.
So we did precisely that.

Taz had to hold a stick on the electric wire while i crawled under. And then he just leaped over with his long legs.

So we did our running, and we took pretty photos and it was just delightful :)

Then we quickly ran out the fields before the owners came with there big guns ready 2 shoot us. :)

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