Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A monkeys wedding

Sunday turned out to be a very happy, fun, beautiful day for me. The sun was out but it was pretty chilly, so we were just chilling in the lounge when all of a sudden we heard a dot of rain fall on the tin roof, the one dot of rain turned into a full on rain and hail storm.

So Taz and I literally jumped off the couch and started putting on clothes that can get dirty and running around the house screaming histerically with excitement. It started hailing little golf balls of ice while we were changing.

Because Taz lives on a farm there is quite a bit of mud so we tried 2 do some mud sliding, which wasnt very succesful, all that seemed 2 come out of it was very red stomachs and muddy bums. But it was fun nevertheless.

Then Taz's mom asked us to go fetch some cream for flapjacks, and we saw the most incredibly beautiful rainbow. It was breathtaking!

I dont know if u can see what a drowned rat he was, but he was. This was us driving to the shop in the PRISON. how cool is that. Its like a whole little village in the prison. I was so impressed.

The incredibly amazinggg rainbow

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