Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cat in the bag...

my new baby :)

Well remember I said I was gonna get a new camera? Well here it is! hahha how cool is it??? I think I'm in love all over again!

hahaha Im lame but this was a joke :( its not my new camera! Tazs dad use to own a photographic shop back in the day, so this is a film camera, but its still so cool they got all these lenses and everything to go with it. My new cameras still pretty cool though, I will do a post on it a bit later :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Stranded in Camden

On Friday night, our youth had an amazing race, and I had to stay at the one point waiting for them to arrive for atleast an hour. At first I felt so sorry for me, and wallowed in self pity and then looked around me and realised I had the whole of Camden to myself!
Camden is this BEAUTIFUL shop in Richmond Hill, they have such gems, and have just gotten in some of the most lovely dresses!
So soak in the prettiness of these pictures and if you in PE go look at Camden, I promise its worth it!

How can you not love a face like that?

This is Paloms (Paloma) Tazs dog! I just love her!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I'm BACK!!!

No, I haven't been in Spain! But I have been dreaming about Spain because that's where me and my Tazface are going next year! And I'm SOOOOO excited! Goodbye boring 8-4 job HELLO sun, sand, tan, culture, good music, good food! MY WORD! Did I mention I'm excited????

The reason I have been gone for so long is because my camera broke :( and hey what a photographic/life blog without a camera! But I am so very pleased to announce that I am getting a new camera this week! I just decided its time to cough up some money because I'm in a very exciting season of my life and don't wanna miss out on capturing the memories!

PS: All these photos were taken off google images haha :)