Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mr Price you are so nice :)

I am already such a Mr Price fan, and I really thought there was nothing else they could do to make me love them more, but what do you know they are giving away R500 in vouchers! If you want to stand a chance in winning you can go here:
ll-us-your-secret/ and tell them your style tip... but if you really love me you will just let me win :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Pretty things, you are so pretty

So I might be biased, but I think some of the things in Taz's house are just incredible! I seriously would pick them up and put them in my one day coffee shop! They are so beautiful. These are just a few of my favorite things...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mr fire please turn into a hairdryer

So because Taz's dreads are only a week and a bit old they need LOTS of TLDC (tender loving dread care) and guess who the delegated caregiver is... So we washed his lil locks with this super herbally dread shampoo and then before you can wax or roll them, they need to be dry! We looked EVERYWHERE for a hairdryer but couldnt find one, and Taz was so desperate to get his lil dreadles dry that he basically stuck them in the fire, it didnt really work but I got some cute pictures of him trying!

Cold Spring night

Last night was SOOO freezing cold. It was like a snow storm cold! I was at Tazs house so his little brother Tristan decided to make us a fire. It probabally took him like an hour and he was so defeated! He is such a funny lil chap, whenever i point the camera at him, he smiles so i tried to get him to pose with his dissapointed face. haha.

Hahaha the last photo was his dissapointed face. I thought it was pretty spot on. Anyway we evetually got the fire roaring and it came in handy in the most bizzare ways...

Little kitties you are so small

So at Taz's family has basically adopted this 4 stray cats.They are the most beautiful cats in the world and now 2 of them are pregnant and last week the one gave birth! The lil kittens are SO incredibly tiny! I wissssh i took more photos, but when I went to them with my camera they were busy eating so didnt want to disturb them!

Rain, rain :)

It poured and poured and poured last night! It was SOOO beautiful and exactly what we needed! My friend Chanelle sent me this link to these absolutely incredible rain photos. These were my favorites! They make me wanna go run and scream and dance in the rain :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mr mean man you deserve more then this note!

The other day, Sarah and I decided to go to the beach because it was such a maginificently beautiful day! It turns out we werent the only ones who had that bright idea, as there was NOOO parking! So we spent about 20 minutes trying to find a LEGAL parking and we did. When we came back to the car we realised that other people werent as legal and patient as us and had parked directly behind sarah making it IMPOSSIBLE to get out. I swear sarah deserves the driver of the year award or something! Cause we finally got out but not before i left this lil note for the owner of the car!

Peppermint crisp yumminess

Peppermint Crisp Tart has got 2 be the most easiest, delicousness, delightfull desert in the whole world!
WHO doesn't like a tart filled 2 the brim with cream, caramel and ppermint crisp.
yummmmm :)

Oh my how your hair has grown!

My Mr mans hair has grown tremendously fast! I wish my hair would grow this fasyt. This was after about 2 weeks of watering.
I'm so proud!

My latest Mr price floral delights!
I flippin love floral and i love Mr price for making these delights!
Yesterday when I went to buy my beaut new shoes i found FLORAL SUNGLASSES!!! i almst cried at how pride i was at Mr price. they so beautiful, but according 2 my mom they dont suit my face. But i think Im still gonna go back and buy them! I will post pics of them later :)

yummy fudge results

Ok so like 3 weeks later, Im finally posting the picks of my delightful fudge! Woweeeee i have never had microwave fudge that tastes so delgihtful. I ate that fudge like my ozz eats his supper, super crazy fast and with so much joy.
Here are my pictures haha i promise it tastes better then it looks...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Come to me beautiful creatures

I have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of these beauties!! And i finally have my hand on them. HOOOORAYYYY!

Lock boy

On Monday, Taz and I set out to Jbay to visit one of my favorite people in the whole world, Nel - she is this crazy amazing funny and talented dutch hairdresser, whom I love dearly!

When we left PE, Taz looked like this:

And he came back looking like this:

I took these photos with my phone so they pretty sucky quality. haha And the dreads are standing out like he has been electrecuted but all in all id say he looks pretty snazy!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Photography Assignment

So for photography, we were asked to take a landscape photo but it must have atleast one person in it, but the focus must be on the landscape. We also had to make sure the horizon was either on the first rule of 3rds line or the last. These are the 1s I narrowed it down to.

Any idea on which one I should use? :)